General scope of services:
Comprehensive services from OWNER ENGINEER to study the prefeasibility of a Biogas to Biomethane Upgrading Plant project.
This plant will be installed in the vicinity of a sewage effluent treatment unit owned by AYSA, in Aldo Bonzi, La Matanza district.
Advise and define, together with OWNER and the Contractors and other actors involved, in the final definition of the Works and Supplies of the PROJECT:
- Prefeasibility and evaluation of previous studies for the definition and/or
- approval of the Works and Supplies that must be carried out by OWNER (EIA, Studies for gas injection, Soil Study, Analysis of the BIOGAS to be received, etc.).
- Definition of supplies and basic engineering design and their technical specifications.
- Definition and preparation of reference budgets for Works and Supplies.
- Definition of the stages and deadlines of the Works and Supplies.
- Implementation of the Contractor selection process and its interrelation in the Works and Supplies and the PROJECT.
- Definition of modifications to be made to the AySA installation and control system to be able to ship from the existing Biodigestion unit to the new property designated for the YPF operation.
- Computations and Budgets of Supplies and Works.
The role of the OWNER ENGINEER, in the context of this function, is to define the Contracting Documents for Works and Supplies.
This is a key task of OWNER ENGINEER: the entire technical scope of the execution of the Works and Supplies is reflected in the Contract Conditions.
Support to OWNER in the preparation, preparation and discussion of the technical specifications for the Works and Supplies.
Manage communications with contractors, subcontractors and suppliers. These communications must always be approved by a YPF representative.
Preparation of the Documents to hire the Contractors and Sub-Contractors of the Works and Supplies of the PROJECT. These contracts will govern the life and execution of the Works and Supplies, so their correct preparation from a comprehensive technical point of view is essential.
The deliverables at this stage are detailed below:
- Upgrading technology selection matrix.
- Hiring document for the upgrading module, including the team
itself and the installation, assembly and commissioning tasks required by the supplier of the upgrading equipment as well as the tasks to be carried out on site for installation, assembly and commissioning as civil works, mechanical and electrical connections, pipe insulation and provision of other necessary services, etc. - Basic/Conceptual Engineering whose particular scope detail is indicated further
forward. - Estimation of investments and operating costs to create a Business Case.
List of documentation to request for the next stage.
- Design bases
- General descriptive report
- Civil descriptive memory
- Descriptive memory of piping and instruments
- Descriptive report Electricity
- Project Execution Plan
- Block Diagrams
- Plot Plans
- Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs)
- Service Flow Diagrams (UFDs)
- Piping & Instrument Diagrams (P&ID’s)
- Mass Balances
- Process Equipment List
- Service Equipment List
- Equipment Data Sheet and Specifications
- Equipment Implementation Plans
Biogas to Biomethane Upgrading
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Owner Engineer
Septiembre 2023