Green Solutions Awards – Winners First Edition 2023

Yesterday, the final event of this incredible contest was held, in which the projects that reached the grand finale were presented and the awards were presented.

On October 3, at the Council of Economic Sciences of the City of Buenos Aires, the announcement of the winners of the Argentine-Israeli Distinction in sustainability of the first edition of the “Green Solutions Awards 2023” was held, organized by Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – Jewish National Fund together with the Argentine-Israeli Chamber of Commerce with the support of the Embassy of Israel in Argentina, the Government of the City of Buenos Aires and DREICON.

In this first edition, a total of 64 applications were submitted, of which 7 finalists were preselected for the project presentation stage:

  • Ecocuyana, Noa Shlesinger, Córdoba.
  • Fenikks, Tomas Machuca, Santa Fe.
  • + Uso, Rocio Errecaborde, Buenos Aires.
  • Nunatak Biotech, Julia Mensa Galoppo and María Martha Martorel, CABA.
  • Reforest Latam, Paula Gianserra and Damian Rivadeneira, Tucumán.
  • Recytec, Rodolfo Bendersky, Buenos Aires.
  • Tacho, Matias Jovanovics, Buenos Aires

The finalists presented their projects to a jury made up of Analía Flores; Chief of Staff of the General Directorate of Recycling and Circular Economy; Alejandro Lijavetzky; of Keren Kayemet LeIsrael, Dario Sykuler; Director Secretary of the Argentine-Israeli Chamber of Commerce, Alejandro Kijak; Economic Affairs Advisor of the Israeli Embassy, ​​Alejandro Bellorini and Gerardo Manhard; CEOs of Dreicon.

The first-place winning project, ReForest Latam, provides climate solutions dedicated to restoring ecosystems and creating native forests to mitigate the impact of climate change.

The second-place winning project, Nunatak Biotech, offers to remediate soils contaminated by oil and its derivatives.

Special mention:

  • EcoSuyana
  • fenikks | recycled plastic canilleras

Congratulations to the 7 participating projects, who trusted and chose to change the world with innovative solutions and their environmental practices!

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