Electrifying Vaca Muerta

We are proud to share that Gerardo Manhard, our COO & Director, has had the honor of being invited to participate in the Vaca Muerta electrical networks sub-table as part of the Vaca Muerta Sectorial Roundtable.

In his words: “I want to highlight the incredible work we are doing at DREICON together with an impressive team made up of the Government of Neuquén, COPADE, CFI, EPEN, the Oil Companies, to develop a ROBUST, RELIABLE and SUSTAINABLE electrical infrastructure for Vaca Muerta.

The Vaca Muerta Sectoral Roundtable is a key platform that brings together various actors in the energy sector, including the government, energy companies, unions and local communities.
In the electrical networks sub-roundtable, we focus on planning and then executing the expansion of the electrical infrastructure necessary to support extraction and production operations in Vaca Muerta. This also includes the integration of renewable energies and energy solutions to guarantee a robust, stable and secure supply. We also promote the implementation of advanced technologies and practices of energy efficiency and decarbonization of O&G production demands to minimize environmental impact.

I am happy with the progress we are making and grateful for the support of all those involved in this monumental project. Together, we are building a brighter and more sustainable energy future for Argentina!

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