DREICON reveals its diverse portfolio of renewable projects in Argentina

Gerardo Manhard, COO and director of the company, explained that the pipeline is made up of generation plants, biomethane upgrading and issues related to energy efficiency.

DREICON, a company dedicated to the development of projects linked to the energy transition, was one of the large companies that accompanied the mega event FES Argentina, organized by Future Energy Summit.

Gerardo Manhard, COO and director of DREICON, participated in the “Interviews with Leaders” cycle of FES and revealed how the wide portfolio of projects with which the company works is made up, considering that they cover different facets of ventures, from the beginning and pre-feasibility to engineering, definition of purchases, purchases and management (EPCM for its acronym in English).

“We have a portfolio of approximately 30 projects, which changes constantly as they move from the DREICON portfolio to a recipient or to execution. They are very varied projects, whether short-term, such as energy efficiency, or medium-term projects that are being implemented and will be carried out in Argentina, such as those of green gases linked to biomethane,” he explained.

“We have two specific biomethane upgrading projects, while we are also working on five other biogas production projects so that the destination is biomethane production. In that case, an off-taker of biomethane is achieved, that is, companies that must decarbonize at a global level,” he added.

Whatever the case, DREICON helps other entities find solutions to meet decarbonization goals, in order to achieve competitive advantages such as access to green funds with lower financing rates.

Energy transition

While in other cases, the aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency projects, which connect customers or have them supply part of their demand with renewable energy or install their own green power plants in their industries.

“This will ensure compliance with local regulations (Law No. 27191 of Argentina) of having a 20% share of renewables by 2025, and also at the international level and what the recipients of the products require, which is to be increasingly cleaner and more efficient in the energy consumption of production,” the specialist stressed.

In addition, DREICON has been developing a green hydrogen project for some time near a port in Patagonia where they have an important offtaker interested in green ammonia for export.

The hydrogen economy is still under construction since, in Manhard’s view, there is still no concrete demand or certain prices, so he pointed out the importance of advancing in the permitting and the assembly of the portfolio of projects of this nature, so that once that is done, an investor and the demand to buy H2V can be found.

The COO and director of DREICON has already requested to have the regulatory context of H2V in Argentina so that these projects can go ahead; in order to update the old Law No. 26123 (promulgated in 2006) and establish a low-emission hydrogen economy regime in the country.
Original note: https://www.energiaestrategica.com/dreicon-revela-su-variada-cartera-de-proyectos-renovables-en-argentina/


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